Nikolai Barulin
Research Scientist SAMC 325Phone: (716) 878-4614
Email: barulinv@buffalostate.edu
Nikolai Barulin's profile

Richard Barbiero
Adjunct Research Scientist Science and Math Complex 319Phone: (716) 878-4329
Email: barbier@buffalostate.edu

Lyubov E. Burlakova, Ph.D.
Senior Research Scientist Science and Math Complex 322Phone: (716) 878-4504
Email: burlakle@buffalostate.edu
Lyubov E. Burlakova, Ph.D.'s profile

Susan E. Daniel, M.S.
Research Scientist Science and Math Complex 321Phone: (716) 878-5232
Email: danielse@buffalostate.edu
Susan E. Daniel, M.S.'s profile

Susan Dickinson, B.A.
Administrative Assistant 1 Science And Math Complex 319Office: (716) 878-4329
Email: dickins@buffalostate.edu
Nicholas Farese
WNY PRISM Aquatic Invasive Species Program Manager Buckham Hall A101Phone: (716) 878-4708
Email: faresenv@buffalostate.edu
Brian E. Haas, M.A.
Field Station Manager/Research Technician Science and Math Complex 319Phone: (716) 878-5625
Email: haasbe@buffalostate.edu
Brian E. Haas, M.A.'s profile

Thomas R. Hahn
Adjunct Research Scientist Science and Math Complex 319Phone: (716) 878-4329
Email: hahntr@buffalostate.edu

Kit L. Hastings, B.S.
Field + Lab Research Technician Science And Math Complex 319Office: (716) 878-5625
Email: hastinkl@buffalostate.edu
Kit L. Hastings's profile

Brittany Hernon
WNY PRISM Terrestrial Invasive Species Project Manager Buckham Hall A101Phone: (716) 878-4708
Email: hernonba@buffalostate.edu
Brittany Hernon's profile

Alexander Y. Karatayev, Ph.D.
Director Science And Math Complex 319AOffice: (716) 878-4329
Email: karataay@buffalostate.edu
Alexander Y. Karatayev's profile

Andrea S. Locke
WNY PRISM Coordinator Science And Math Complex 319Office: (716) 878-4708
Email: lockeas@buffalostate.edu
Andrea S. Locke's profile

Knut Mehler
Adjunct Research Scientist Science and Math Complex 319Phone: (716) 878-4329
Email: mehlerk@buffalostate.edu

Daniel Molloy
Adjunct Research Scientist Science and Math Complex 319Phone: 518-435-5126 (cell)
Email: molloydp@buffalostate.edu
Daniel Molloy's profile

Christopher M. Pennuto, Ph.D.
Research Scientist/Professor/Assistant Director Science and Math Complex 326Phone: (716) 878-4105
Email: pennutcm@buffalostate.edu
Christopher M. Pennuto, Ph.D.'s profile

Rachel Taylor
WNY PRISM Community Science and Engagement Program Manager Buckham Hall A101Phone: (716) 878-4708
Email: taylorrm@buffalostate.edu
Rachel Taylor's profile

Brianne Tulumello
Project Support Specialist Science and Math Complex 319Phone: (716) 878-4329
Email: tulumebl@buffalostate.edu